About Us

The Conservative Party is a voluntary organisation with many members offering their spare time to organise and campaign for reliable, undramatic political service. The Nottingham City Conservative Federation serve both the Nottingham City Council area and the parliamentary constituencies of Nottingham North, Nottingham East and Nottingham South.

Our local and parliamentary campaigns aim to produce a better and more prosperous Nottingham for each and every resident.

The Nottingham Conservatives Federation is run entirely by volunteers with a team of Officers elected annually at our Annual General Meeting.

We campaign all year round, delivering leaflets, surveying and contacting voters across our local area. 

The Conservative Party works to represent the full breadth and variety of communities in the United Kingdom, to make sure everyone is represented. This includes industries, faith groups, diaspora communities, and more. 

In the City of Nottingham, the Conservative Party offers the only trustworthy and reliable alternative to the Labour Party.

A Conservative-led council will ensure that every area and every community of the City is treated equally according to needs. A party with fiscal responsibility will ensure that funding is allocated toward neighbourhood priorities and not on 'pet projects' such as Robin Hood Energy.

The Conservatives offer a future in which we deliver on our promises – which are also your priorities.

Because more important than any one commitment in a manifesto is the spirit in which we make them. Our focus is to serve you, the people. To deliver on national priorities in Westminster and to deliver on local priorities in our City Council. We believe in working hard to make the UK an even better country – investing in the NHS, our schools, our people and our towns.

We strive for a nation in which everyone has the opportunity to make the most of their talents. To ensure that work will always pay. To create a fair society, in which everyone always contributes their fair share.